Retail eCommerce Spending, 2007-2012 [CHART]

Chart -Retail eCommerce Spending, 2007-2012

US online retail (non-travel) spending reached $43.15 billion during Q2 2012, representing a 15% increase from $37.5 billion in Q2 2011, according to new estimates from comScore. This marks the 11th consecutive quarter of positive year-over-year growth and 7th consecutive quarter of double-digit growth rates. The 15% year-over-year growth rate is slightly lower than Q1’s 17%, but still represents the largest for any second quarter since Q2 2007’s 23% rate. This positive movement means that Q2 retail e-commerce spending, at $43.15 billion, almost matched 2010’s Q4 spend, at $43.4 billion. Traditionally, Q4 spending is close to 33% higher than Q2 spend, given the impact of the holiday season. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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