Mobile Web User Experience Problems [CHART]

Chart - Mobile Web User Experience Problems

Two-thirds of smart phone and tablet owners say they have experienced slow web page load times at some point in the past 3 months while using their device, per results from a Keynote Systems survey released in August 2012. This is the most commonly-experienced problem for these device owners, ahead of websites not being optimized for smart phones, and loading errors (each at 48%). The study also indicates that tablet owners expect pages to load more quickly than smart phone owners.

Indeed, 60% of tablet owners expect to wait 3 seconds (29%) or less (31%) for a web page to load, compared to 44% of smart phone owners. Laptop and desktop owners, though, are the most impatient, with roughly three-quarters expecting to wait 3 seconds (26%) or less (48%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
