Mobile Features & Content Use [CHART]

Chart - Mobile Features & Content Use

The percentage of US mobile subscribers engaging in a variety of activities on their devices continues to increase, according to the latest comScore MobiLens data. Listening to music on mobiles grew 9.5% between the 3-month periods ending in March and June (to 27.6%), while accessing of social networks or blogs rose to 36.9% of subscribers. Indeed, a Prosper Mobile Insights report finds that 62.6% of smartphone and tablet owners who access Facebook prefer to do so via their smartphone (50%) or tablet (12.6%).

Other mobile activities also saw an increase in popularity among mobile subscribers, per the comScore data. Use of downloaded apps grew by close to 3%, from 50% to 51.4%, widening the gap with browser use, which grew 0.9% points to 50.2% of the mobile audience. Meanwhile, playing mobile games climbed by about 2.5% to 33.4%, while texting increased by a more muted 0.9%, to 75%. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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