Devices Used To Follow 2012 Olympics [CHART]

Chart - Devices Used To Follow 2012 Olympics

94% of consumers who will watch the Summer 2012 London Olympics will do so on a TV, but many will also watch on computers and mobile devices, according to a survey results released in July by Fully 46% of viewers will watch on laptops, 39% on desktops, 31% on tablets, and 27% on smartphones. The 30-39 and 40-49 age groups are most likely to watch on tablets (each at 36%), while the 40-49 set are most likely to view the Games on a smartphone (30%).

In fact, 4 in 10 viewers plan to follow the Games on 2 or more devices, according to a separate study by Velti. 35% of US adults will turn to their tablets for Olympics news and coverage, which is 4% points higher than the TechBargains survey found; but at 27%, the smartphone results were identical. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.


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