Top 6 Digital Channels For After-Sales Customer Service [CHART]

Chart - Top 6 Digital Channels For After-Sales Customer Service

Digital shoppers worldwide rate internet sites as their digital channel of choice for aftersales care, with 72% saying this channel is important or extremely important, according to a July report by Capgemini. Email (67%) is the next most-popular channel for aftersales care, followed by in-store technology (e.g. kiosks – 60%), and the traditional telephone call center (44%). Social media is an important choice for 42%, closely followed by mobile apps on smartphones, cited by 41%.

Internet sites are the single most important digital channel at every stage of the five-phase sales journey, according to the report. The sales journey progresses from the awareness phase to choosing, transaction, delivery and aftersales care. The aftersales care phase is unique in that both email and call centers reach their highest importance during this phase, while in-store technology drops to its lowest. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
