Online Shopping: Room For Improvement According To Buyers [CHART]


For online shoppers, issues related to shipping are still not as important as ease of checkout and product variety. But they still play a significant role in converting browsers into buyers, according to a February 2012 survey conducted by comScore.

In fact, when asked what aspect of the shopping process could be improved by retailers, three of the top five responses were related to shipping. Topping the list was a desire for free or discounted shipping, which 58% of respondents named. That was trailed by easy returns and exchanges (42%), online package tracking capabilities (38%), product/brand availability (38%) and live customer service availability (36%). In addition, comScore found that policies related to returns and exchanges were the most important issue to online buyers that garnered the highest level of dissatisfaction, suggesting that retailers should focus improvement efforts there. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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