Mobile Mommies



In 2009, 22% of mom mobile phone users regularly went online with their device.
This year, 62% do.

THOUGHT: First there was the celebrated Soccer Mom, then the Internet rolled around and we’ve got a rapid-fire list of various moms: Mommy Bloggers, Social Moms and Facebook Moms, and now Mobile Moms and iPhone Moms.

The Internet’s lousy with moms. Jeez, you’d think everyone and their brother have one.

Well, it’s about to get a lot more mommier.

That’s because moms are taking the Internet with them now everywhere they go and using their smart phones as a utility with which to organize their lives.

Look no further than YouTube. The preeminent video sharing site (and the second largest search engine in the world) recently launched a much more socialish redesign and this week launched new content partners, including the mommy-focused Kin and TheMomsView.

Just anecdotally, I’ve noticed a significant and growing percentage of my YouTube videos are viewed from a mobile device. That will only increase as 4G speeds take hold.

YouTube’s demographic has always skewed male because that’s who are uploading the videos and, consequently, there tends to be a lot of NFL highlight clips, video game walkthroughs, and stupid human trick videos that appeal to guys.

But everyone loves mom, right? That’s never changed. Especially for marketers because they’ve always been at the center of purchase decisions.

YouTube is betting that more mommy content will attract more mommies which will in turn attract more advertisers looking to attract mommies.

So, as video becomes an increasingly more important format for online communication, is it time for you to get some mommy video into the mix?

SUPER COOL TOOL TUESDAY: YouTube Analytics – In addition to their redesign, YouTube rolled out a spiffed up version of its video analytics (formerly called Insights) for any videos you’ve uploaded. In addition to the stats you get on how your video was discovered, you now have Channel stats that show how people found your YouTube account. Now, if they’d just hook it up directly to your Google Analytics account, we’d be in business.

Thank you for William Manchester.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
