28% of those surveyed frequent gourmet food trucks.
23% follow food trucks via Twitter and Facebook.
THOUGHT: Are food trucks simply another symptom of our on-demand culture?
They show up where you are or you follow them on Twitter or Facebook to know when they’ll be available. Nearly as easy as setting your DVR, right?
But food trucks are a result of more than that, aren’t they? They’re the result of several trends converging:
- An on-demand culture,
- The adoption of mobile technologies,
- The rise of social media,
- And the rise of the Foodies.
It is the foodies who are the central ingredient. Their love/lust for food and their passion for talking about food, for photographing and video recording food, and for explaining food has educated the wider public to have a greater appreciation for food, to be more discerning about their food, and to demanding greater quality food.
Here’s some video of how the food truck trend is playing out in Saint Paul, Minnesota:
MINNESOTA MONDAY: As of June, there were 125 licensed food trucks and carts in St. Paul but all’s not well in Food Truck Court paradise: Some downtown Saint Paul restaurants are complaining about the food trucks.
Thank you for 50 years of pro sports in Minnesota.
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