Across The Sound – New Marketing Podcast Interview

Earlier this month I did an interview about citizen journalism coverage of the Minneapolis bridge collapse with Joseph Jaffee for his Across The Sound new marketing podcast. In addition to the bridge collapse we talked a bit about online politics, as well.

I’ve been meaning to do a series of posts about my favorite Internet marketing podcasts, so this is a natural time to start.

I’ve been listening to Across The Sound since last year. The focus is new marketing and PR. Each weekly episode lasts about an hour and Joseph usually covers one topic in quite a bit of depth. He’ll include voice mail comments left by listeners and address their comments.

What I really like about it and the primary reason I subscribe is that Joseph is enthusiastic about diving in to new Internet technologies and trends and analyzes how they apply to marketing. As someone who is always trying to see beyond the horizon, I do appreciate his thoughtful and thought-provoking treatment of his subject matter.

So, clearly, I recommend subscribing.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
