Mauer's Quickswing Relaunch

I’m pleased to announce that we’ve just relaunched the Mauer Quickswing Web site on behalf of our new client, Quickswing, Inc.

Most Minnesotans will quickly recognize the name Mauer as belonging to one , the ‘ starting catcher and the first overall draft choice in the 2001 Major League draft.

is an absolutely ingenious device created by Joe’s father, Jake, to allow his sons to practice their swings indoors during Minnesota’s cold Winter months. It was designed to help develop a short, compact, quick swing–the kind you’ll see if you watch Joe Mauer at the plate.

Quickswing wasn’t getting the search engine traffic they wanted, so we conducted to determine what phrases people were using to find similar products and then their site to incorporate those phrases.

We also tweaked the site to make it easier to use for visitors and hilghlighted product links throughout the site.

Quickswing sells a variety of in addition to the product itself.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
