Best In Class Social Media Elements

Chart: Best In Class Social Media Elements

With most brands convinced about the benefits that a strong social presence can bring, social media marketers face the challenge of cutting through the noise to reach their target audiences.

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Email Signature Marketing Objectives

Email Signature Marketing Objectives

Email remains one of the top marketing channels for driving sales, but it’s not just email content that can facilitate objectives such as brand awareness, lead generation or increasing sales.

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Uses Of Social Media Analytics [CHART]

Chart: Primary Uses Of Social Media Analytics

The majority of marketers agree that social media analytics is an essential business development tool, per a report from NetBase, which surveyed more than 1,700 marketers, half of whom are from companies with more than $50 million in annual revenues

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Top Brand Trust Factors [CHART]

Chart: Top Brand Trust Factors

As the wealth gap between affluent Americans and the rest widens, one-third (33%) of American consumers say trusting a brand is important because they are struggling financially and cannot afford to waste any money on a bad purchase.

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Marketers' Content Development Tools [CHART]

Chart: Marketers' Content Development Tools

More than three-quarters (76%) of organizations say they take a strategic approach to managing content. These organizations are also much more likely to use development aids – such as editorial calendars and formal workflow processes – than those organizations who do not manage content strategically.

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