Digital Ad Spending By Industry [CHART]

Chart: Digital Ad Spending By Industry

eMarketer expects a shift in US digital ad spending next year, as economic factors weigh on certain industries. In 2020, financial services will displace the auto sector, while travel will surpass consumer packaged goods (CPG).

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Video Captions Expectations By Industry [CHART]

Chart: Video Captions Expectations By Industry

Advertisers are increasing their video budgets this year, but are they missing out on one key element that could make a difference to audience engagement? A survey from Verizon Media has found that 7 in 10 (69%) US consumers watch videos without sound in public spaces, making captioning not only important but expected by viewers.

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Online News Gateways By Age [CHART]

Chart: Online News Gateways by Age Group

Social media is the main way that youth (18-24) around the world discover news online, whereas older adults are more apt to directly access news stories, according to the Digital News Report 2018 from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. Fully 53% of young adults reported coming across news stories via social media, compared to one-third (34%) of adults ages 55 and older.

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Subscription Services Market Penetration [CHART]

Chart: Subscription Services Market Penetration

Media subscription services for video, music and software have become so ingrained in our routines that for many, monthly fees are just a part of life. But consumers can only budget so much for these conveniences. Are media budgets squeezing out meal kits and other subscription box services?

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Consumer Trust By Industry [TABLE]

Table: Consumer Trust By Industry

Consumers are more likely to trust banks—and even insurance firms—than marketing or advertising companies. That’s according to a September 2017 PwC survey, which found that just 6% of US internet users said they trusted media and entertainment companies.

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Media Engagement Activities [CHART]

Chart: Media Engagement Activities

The majority of adults in the US engage with a variety of media on a regular basis, ranging from watching shows and episodes to listening to music, checking social media and watching short videos.

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