Cross-Device Shopping Journey Changes [CHART]

Chart: Cross-Device Shopping Journey Changes

US retailers are prioritizing Google Shopping ads over text ads, according to the 2018 Google Shopping Benchmarks Report from Sidecar. Based on an analysis of more than 300 US retailers’ activity in 2017, the report notes that ad spending across Google’s search network grew by 20%, with much greater increases for Google Shopping ads (34%) than for text ads (2%).

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US Proximity Payment Users By Platform [CHART]

Chart: US Proximity Payment Users By Platform

Starbucks will remain the most popular proximity mobile payment app, staying ahead of Apple Pay and other competitors. This year, 23.4 million people ages 14 and over will use the Starbucks app to make a point-of-sale purchase at least once every six months.

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Time Spent With eTailers [CHART]

Chart: Time Spent With eTailers

Americans spent 22.6 billion minutes on Amazon during December 2017, more than the combined total spent on the rest of the top 10 e-commerce retailers (16.6 billion).

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