Posts Tagged ‘Television’
Average Daily Time Spent With Media, 2012-2018 [TABLE]
Thanks to media multitasking, US adults will squeeze an average of 12 hours, 5 minutes per day of media usage into their waking hours this year—nearly an hour more than the average in 2011.
Read MoreSimultaneous Internet & TV Users, 2014-2018 [TABLE]
This year, 182.9 million Americans will use the internet while watching TV at least once a month.
Read MoreMultitainment Behavior By Generation [CHART]
More than 9 in 10 US consumers aged 14 and older say they typically multitask while watching TV, up from about 8 in 10 just 3 years earlier.
Read MoreHow Millennials Discover New Brands [CHART]
Word-of-mouth edges TV ads and online ads as the leading way by which teens hear about new brands.
Read MoreAmericans' Weekly Media Consumption By Race/Ethnicity [TABLE]
Americans’ Weekly Media Consumption By Race/Ethnicity [TABLE]Black adults watch almost three times more TV on a weekly basis than Asian-American adults.
Read MoreUS Mothers' Media Consumption, 2010-2015 [CHART]
More than nine in 10 mothers with children under 18 in the household are internet users.
Read MoreHow People Decide What TV Shows To Watch [CHART]
Beyond viewing TV shows that they’ve already watched in the past, consumers are most apt to make decisions about their TV content from channel surfing and seeing a commercial.
Read MoreAudio Media Consumption Behavior [WEBINAR]
Edison Research has released its latest annual Infinite Dial report that surveys the audio consumption habits of Americans 12 years and older. Edison has been conducting this research since 1998.
Read MoreOriginal Scripted TV Series By Provider, 2009-2015
The number of original scripted TV shows has grown over the years, not only on basic cable, but also on services like Hulu and Netflix.
Read MoreTraditional Media Consumption By Generation [CHART]
Among online US adults, Baby Boomers spend almost twice as much time on a daily basis with TV, radio and print as do Millennials.
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