Chatbot Engagement Rates [CHART]

Chart: Chatbot Engagement Rates By Select Countries

The vast majority of adults across 6 countries believe that organizations are failing to provide a connected experience, defined as organizations knowing their preferences across all channels and being able to provide them with access to the information they need in a timely manner.

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Marketing Automation Optimization Tactics [CHART]

Chart: Marketing Automation Optimization Tactics

Delivering personalized content is the most challenging barrier to marketing automation success, though the integration of all marketing systems is a close second. Despite the difficulties marketers are having delivering personalized content, the vast majority say that content personalization driven by marketing automation is in fact improving.

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B2B Buyers' Customer Experience Expectations by Generation [CHART]

Chart: B2B Buyers' Customer Experience Expectations by Generation

More than 8 in 10 business buyers want the same experience as when they’re buying for themselves, reveals Salesforce Research in its second annual State of the Connected Consumer report. The study indicates that the customer experience is hugely important to business buyers, 8 in 10 of whom say the experience a company provides is as important as its products and services.

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Shoppers' Customer Experience Expectations [CHART]

Chart: Shoppers' Customer Experience Expectations

Digital transformation has had a significant effect on nearly all companies over the past couple of years. For some marketers, it has forced them to rethink how systems, tools and team members must work together to successfully meet larger business objectives.

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