Millennials' Video Genres

Chart: Millennials' Video Game Genreas By Device

Millennials in the US generally watch Comedy, Action/Adventure and Drama on TV but gravitate to News first on digital devices, finds a report from Oath.

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Local Business Voice Search By Device [CHART]

Chart: Local Business Voice Search

Some 58% of US adults have used voice search to find information on a local business at some point in the past 12 months. Most commonly, people are using their smartphones (56%) for voice search to find local business information, while about 1 in 5 (18%) have done so using a Smart Speaker.

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TV Viewing Device Share [CHART]

Chart: TV Viewing Device Share

TV viewers have an abundance of devices at their disposal to watch content whenever and however they want. But in the US, the big screen is still their preferred access point.

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