Email Opens By Hour [CHART]

Chart: Email Opens By Hour

There’s an argument to be had over whether or not timing helps, but here’s some data nonetheless, starting with the cumulative share of email opens by hour post-send.

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Autoresponder Emails Per Cycle [CHART]

Chart: Autoresponder Emails Per Cycle

Autoresponder emails are a simple way of automating email, but how long should they be? A new report from GetResponse suggests that short and sweet is better – while open (96%) and click (39%) rates on single-message cycles are very high, those with more than 3 messages see a marked drop-off in response rates.

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Triggered Email Conversion Rates [CHART]

Chart: Triggered Email Conversion Rates

Marketers enjoyed strong email response rates in Q1, perhaps as a result of tempered volume in the wake of the holiday period, according to Yes Lifecycle Marketing’s Q1 Email Benchmark Report 2018.

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