Posts Tagged ‘Branding’
Growth Of Marketing Channels & Devices Tops List Of Challenges For Companies Worldwide [CHART]
The poll found that the largest percentage of respondents, 41%, named the growth of marketing channels and devices as the top challenge to their company over the next few years.
Read MoreBlog Purchase Influence By Generation [CHART]
Roughly two-thirds of consumers who visit or read blogs say that their purchasing decisions are influenced by brand mentions or promotions within the blog’s content, according to survey results released in June 2012 by Burst Media.
Read MoreLeading Business Use Of Social Media According To Financial Advisors [CHART]
The survey found that of those using social media with business in mind, the highest percentage of respondents (21%) used the networks to find expert commentary and insights.
Read MoreAffiliate Marketing's Effect On Brand Reputation [CHART]
55% of online buyers always check for deals before purchasing, and 32% typically begin shopping on affiliate sites.
Read MoreINTERVIEW: Samsung's Gail Conroy on Social Media & Consumer Electronics
Gail Conroy, Director of Brand & Consumer Marketing, Samsung Electronics North America, discusses the role of social media in marketing consumer electronics.
Read MoreBranding Through CAPTCHA
Solve Media has created an ad network out of CAPTCHA, those little semi-garbled letters you find next to online forms to prevent spam.
Read MoreThe Jeep Wave
David Erickson discusses The Jeep Wave as an example of how social norms can form around brand that form the basis of social tribes.
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