TV Advertising Influence Wanes With Age [CHART]

via Data from TVB’s “Media Comparisons 2012″ indicates that a plurality of respondents across all age groups believe that TV influences their purchase decisions the most. Interestingly, 18-34-year-olds are the most likely to report this (40.8%), with TV’s influence declining with age, to 36.5% of 35-64-year-olds and 32.7% of those aged 65 and older.…

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TV Most Influential Ad Medium For Purchases [CHART]

via When it comes to the advertising medium they find most influential in making a purchase decision, American adults are far more likely to point to TV (37.2%) than any other, including newspapers (10.6%), the internet (5.6%), and magazines (4.4%), per results from a TVB study released in June 2012. This result aligns with…

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US Political Ad Spending By Media, 2008 & 2012 [CHART]

via Research firm Borrell Associates in March estimated that US political ad spending on the internet would total $159.2 million this year, thanks to all of the attention being paid to the presidential race. While that figure represents only 1.5% of total political ad spending this year, it’s also a massive 617% increase from…

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