Facebook Video Interactions By Topic [CHART]

Chart: Facebook Video Interaction by Topic

Buffer partnered with BuzzSumo to analyze more than 43 million posts from the top 20,000 brands on Facebook in one of the largest studies of 2018. The most enaging topics posted as video content to Facebook include food, fashion and beauty, animals, do-it-yourself, and humor. The least engaging topics include finance and stocks, real estate, marketing and cars.

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Subscription Services Market Penetration [CHART]

Chart: Subscription Services Market Penetration

Media subscription services for video, music and software have become so ingrained in our routines that for many, monthly fees are just a part of life. But consumers can only budget so much for these conveniences. Are media budgets squeezing out meal kits and other subscription box services?

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Local Business Voice Search By Device [CHART]

Chart: Local Business Voice Search

Some 58% of US adults have used voice search to find information on a local business at some point in the past 12 months. Most commonly, people are using their smartphones (56%) for voice search to find local business information, while about 1 in 5 (18%) have done so using a Smart Speaker.

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Smart Audio [VIDEO]

This presentation by Tom Webster of Edison Research presents the Spring 2018 edition of The Smart Audio Report from NPR and Edison Research. More than 43M people (18+) in the U.S. now own a smart speaker. And it’s no longer just the early adopters using these devices. New smart speaker owners are emerging as a distinct audience in terms of user profile, behavior and media habits.

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Important vs Well-Executed Restaurant Technologies [TABLE]

Table: Important vs Well-Executed Restaurant Technology

In a February 2018 survey of US internet users and restaurant executives by BRP (Boston Retail Partners) and Windstream Enterprise, restaurant operators met consumer expectations on only two factors: contactless/mobile payment, for which 32% of consumers valued it and one-third of operators offered it, and Wi-Fi availability (44% both valued it and offered it).

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