360 Videos [INFOGRAPHIC]

Infographic: 360 Videos

This infographic examines engagement with 360 videos, claiming that they enjoy clickthrough rates averaging 4.51%, compared to 0.56% for traditional videos.

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App Install Ad Budget Allocations [TABLE]

Table: App Install Ad Budget Allocations

Mobile app developers worldwide were directing the majority of their install marketing budgets to video. When added together, various types of video made up 61% of app install budget allocation in fall 2017.

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Voice Assistant Use By Daypart [TABLE]

Table: Voice Assistant Use By Daypart

After a surge this past holiday season – when 4% of U.S. adults reported they acquired their first smart speaker device — ownership is up 128% since January 2017, to now one in six Americans (16%) having a smart speaker.

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Snapchat-Only Users [CHART]

Chart: Snapchat-Only Users

Research has suggested that only about 1 in 10 teen Snapchat users are unique to the platform and not also using Instagram. But to what extent do Snapchat users use other social platforms on a given day?

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Podcast Listeners On LinkedIn By Age [CHART]

Podcast Listeners on LinkedIn By Age

More than one-third (35%) of LinkedIn members around the world listen to podcasts, and fewer than 1 in 10 (8%) don’t know what a podcast is, according to results from a LinkedIn survey of more than 2,500 members.

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Mobile Share Of eCommerce Spending By Category [CHART]

Chart: Mobile Share of eCommerce Spending by Category

Mobile commerce has grown to represent 23% of all digital commerce dollars in the US in Q3 2017. That’s up from 20% share in the year-earlier period, as mobile commerce growth (+40% year-over-year) continues to far outpace desktop e-commerce spending increases (+17%).

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Reasons For Cart Abandonment [CHART]

CHART: Reasons For Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment is a major concern for online retailers, and according to new research, shipping costs and overall price are the two major factors that are causing digital shoppers to abandon their items.

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