Grocery Store Omnichannel Services [TABLE]

Chart: Grocery Store Omnichannel Services

Keeping up with technology isn’t the most pressing concern among grocers (that would be labor issues or competitive threats), but it’s definitely on their minds. In fact, it was the third most cited concern in the annual Progressive Grocer survey, up from ninth place last year.

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Online Audio vs Podcast Reach, 2000-2018 [CHART]

Chart: Online Audio vs Podcast Reach - 2000-2018

The popularity of online audio continues to rise. Some 64% of Americans aged 12 and older this year report listening to online audio on a monthly basis, and 89% of those listeners (57% of respondents overall) listen on a weekly basis.

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Mobile vs. Desktop Audiences [CHART]

Chart: Mobile vs Desktop Audiences

Website visits are plateauing in the US – and the battle for visitors is increasingly being fought on smartphones. But despite mobile devices capturing the majority of digital minutes, the US still features more desktop than mobile unique visitors.

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Top Customer Experience Challenges [CHART]

Chart: Customer Experience Challenges

Customer experience (CX) efforts aren’t primarily being held back by lack of strategy or organizational support, but rather from a lack of real-time customer insights and troubles operationalizing the experience.

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