Influencer Marketing Challenges [CHART]

Chart: Top Influencer Marketing Challenges

Some influencers accept free products as payment for endorsements, others charge thousands of dollars for a single post. While the compensation scale varies by following and content type, some marketers are concerned that teaming up with social media influencers is getting expensive.

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Chart: Hourly SEO & PPC Rates

Around 1 in 5 US agencies offering either SEO (19.7%) or PPC (21.7%) services have a minimum single project spend of more than $5,000, according to the Digital Marketing Industry Pricing Survey from Credo.

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Why Digital Agencies Get Fired [TABLE]

Table: Why Digital Agencies Get Fired

Shrinking media budgets, aggressive growth goals and ever-complex marketing needs are causing a shift in the brand-agency relationship. In their bid for self-preservation, brands are streamlining spending and in-housing capabilities.

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Native Advertising Share Of Budgets [CHART]

National advertisers involved in native advertising, branded content and TV integrated marketing are devoting ever-larger proportions of their TV and digital budgets to these efforts and reporting greater maturity with native advertising.

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Top Customer Experience Challenges [CHART]

Chart: Customer Experience Challenges

Customer experience (CX) efforts aren’t primarily being held back by lack of strategy or organizational support, but rather from a lack of real-time customer insights and troubles operationalizing the experience.

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