Most Annoying Online Ads [CHART]

More people than ever in the US are spending time with digital audio, leading to growing advertising opportunities. To properly communicate with audiences, advertisers should make sure the right creatives are used with the right audio formats.

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Video Content Amplification Channels [CHART]

Chart: Video Content Amplification Channels

A large majority (89%) of marketers use video as part of their content strategy, which is not surprising considering marketers believe video converts better than other content. But how do marketers get their video content to their audiences? A new report from Wibbitz reveals that when marketers promote their videos, either organically or through paid ads, an overwhelming number turn to social media, even more so than their own websites or blogs.

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Ad Relevance By Channel [CHART]

Chart: Ad Relevance By Channel

Despite marketers’ efforts with advanced programmatic and data targeting for video ads, consumers still find that they are more likely to be served a relevant ad on linear TV.

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Programmatic Advertising Channels [CHART]

Chart: Programmatic Advertising Channels

Compared with other ad formats sold through automation, programmatic audio has been slow to catch on. A host of factors have held back programmatic audio, some associated with audience and spending patterns, but many tied to technical issues.

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Top Advertising Channels [CHART]

Chart: Top 3 Online Advertising Channels

Eighty-six percent of businesses use social media advertising, while 80% use display advertising in the form of banner, image, or text advertisements that appear on websites.

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