Digital Ad Spending By Industry [CHART]

Chart: Digital Ad Spending By Industry

eMarketer expects a shift in US digital ad spending next year, as economic factors weigh on certain industries. In 2020, financial services will displace the auto sector, while travel will surpass consumer packaged goods (CPG).

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Digital Ad Revenues By Company [CHART]

Chart: Digital Ad Revenues By Company

Facebook released better-than-expected results on July 24, reporting $16.9 billion in revenues, 1.59 billion in daily active users (DAUs), and $7.05 in average revenue per user (ARPU). This came just as the company was fined a record-setting $5 billion by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) as a result of the 2018 Cambridge Analytica scandal.

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Political Ad Spending By Media, 2020 [CHART]

Chart: Political Ad Spending By Media

Of the $6 billion in political campaign spending this cycle, Kantar expects 20%, or $1.2 billion, to go to digital. TV still wins the lion’s share of campaign budgets, with almost three-quarters of the total split between broadcast and cable TV.

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Political Ad Spending, 2014-2020 [CHART]

Chart: Political Ad Spending, 2014-2020

Growth in political ad spending is expected to slow dramatically during the 2019-2020 election cycle, according to Kantar Media, which predicts political campaigns for US federal office will spend $6 billion on paid media placements this year. But a greater share than ever will be directed toward digital channels.

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Native Advertising Share Of Budgets [CHART]

National advertisers involved in native advertising, branded content and TV integrated marketing are devoting ever-larger proportions of their TV and digital budgets to these efforts and reporting greater maturity with native advertising.

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Ad Spending By Media Channel, 2020 [CHART]

This year, mobile will surpass TV ad spending by more than $6 billion, according to our latest ad spending forecast. By 2020, the channel will represent 43% of total media ad spending in the US—a greater percentage than all traditional media combined.

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