Occupy Comics

Occupy Comics is a fascinating project by comic artists to tell the story of the Occupy Wall Street movement and to raise funds for their efforts through Kickstart.

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Politics, Visualized

THE BIPARTISAN COMPROMISE The White House Debt limit increased by at least $2.1 trillion. 10-year spending cuts of nearly $1 trillion.  Bipartisan committee is tasked with identifying an additional $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction. THOUGHT: No, I’m not intentionally trying to depress you nor am I going all political on you.  I include these numbers…

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Shaping Opinions Through Search: Gulf Oil Spill Crisis Communications

In this screencast, David Erickson of the e-Strategy Internet Marketing Blog, examines search results pages at Bing, Yahoo!, and Google for a search for “Gulf Oil Spill” and looks at organizations that are running search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns to gain visibility for their point of view within the search results pages in response to Beyond Petroleum’s (BP) Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster.

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