Posts Tagged ‘Pinterest’
Social Media Post-Click Engagement Rankings [TABLE]
StumbleUpon referred more traffic to publishers than a host of other popular social sites (such as YouTube and LinkedIn), combined.
Read MoreInc. 500's Social Media Use, 2012 vs 2013 [CHART]
Virtually all – 95% – of the 2013 Inc. 500 companies are using at least one major social media tool.
Read More2014 Social Landscape [INFOGRAPHIC]
Adobe’s released their 5th annual CMO Guide to The Social Landscape highlighting the top 8 social networks for businesses.
Read MoreTop Social Networks For Which Young Millennials Have A Profile, February 2014 [CHART]
Approximately 46% of US teens and young adults ages 12 to 24 had used Snapchat.
Read MoreGlobal Consumers' Purchase Behavior Influencers, March 2014 [CHART]
Close to 6 in 10 global consumers say that friends’ social media posts influence their purchase choices.
Read MoreAverage Order Value By Social Referrer, March 2014 [CHART]
Facebook was dominant in terms of social traffic (63% share) – but Polyvore emerged with the highest average order value (AOV).
Read MoreMost Popular Social Networks Among Younger Millennials, March 2014 [CHART]
Some 46% of Americans aged 12-24 claim to have ever used Snapchat, making it a more popular choice for this demographic than Twitter (36%).
Read MorePinterest Mobile Referrals, January 2013 – January 2014 [CHART]
Pinterest’s mobile site is referring more traffic to brands, and those visitors are spending more per order.
Read MoreDaily Engagement Rate With Mobile Social Apps Among Android Users, January 2014 [CHART]
Among US Android users polled who had a Facebook app, 63% engaged with the app each day, compared with 36% engagement for those who used WhatsApp.
Read MoreSocial Media Millennials Prefer For Brand Communication, November 2013 [CHART]
YouTube overtook Facebook last year as the favorite website among US internet users ages 12 to 19.
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