Posts Tagged ‘Media’
Americans' Trust In Mass Media, 2001-2018 [CHART]
Almost half (45%) of American adults now trust the mass media, representing an uptick from 41% last year and a low of 32% in 2016, per survey results from Gallup.
Read MorePerceptions Of Gender Inclusivity [CHART]
3 in 4 people in the US believe that traditional gender roles have changed. They don’t believe in stereotypes such as a woman’s primary role being the caretaker of the home or a man’s primary role as being the breadwinner.
Read MoreGeographic Distribution Of Reporters & Editors, 1990-2015 [MAP]
In 1960, nearly a third of reporters and editors had never attended a single year of college; in 2015, only 8.3 percent could say the same.
Read MoreChief Digital Officers By Industry, 2014 [CHART]
CDOs were most common in the advertising industry, which accounted for 36% of the total last year. The media, publishing, nonprofit and retail sectors rounded out the top five.
Read MoreGawker's Kinja Commenting Platform [VIDEO]
David Erickson discusses Gawker Media’s Nick Denton’s attempt at making online comments useful and civil again with the Kinja commenting platform in use on Valleywag.
Read MoreWhy Jeff Bezos Bought The Washington Post [VIDEO]
Everyone is missing the mark in trying to divine the motivations behind Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ purchase of the Washington Post.
Read MorePreferred Media Type For Main News Source By Age, July 2013 [CHART]
Asked their main source of news about current events in the US and around the world, 55% of survey respondents chose TV, with the internet coming in a distant second at 18%.
Read MoreAmerican B2B Media & Information Industry Revenues, H1 2010-H2 2012 [CHAT]
Business-to-business (B2B) media and information industry revenues reached $25.5 billion in 2012, representing 3.4% growth from $24.7 billion in 2011.
Read MoreSites Most Likely To Influence A Purchase, December 2012 [CHART]
Facebook was the social network most likely to influence purchases among US internet users surveyed by Technorati in December 2012.
Read MoreAmericans' Daily Media Consumption, 2012 vs 2013 [CHART]
Americans are holding steady in terms of their TV consumption and non-work-related internet use, but are spending more time with other activities such as reading books and accessing the internet via a mobile device.
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