American Twitch Viewers, 2019-2023

Chart: Twitch Viewers, 2019-2023

eMarketer forecasts that 37.5 million people in the US will watch streaming video on Twitch at least monthly in 2020, meaning the video streaming platform will reach 15.5% of US digital video viewers this year.

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Top-Performing Email Signoffs

Most Effective Email Signoffs

In 2017, the company behind the Boomerang plugin for Gmail analyzed 350,000 email closings. They found the following three phrases most increased the likelihood of a response, somewhere from 22% to 38% when compared to the baseline.

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Polling During Pandemics

Polling During Pandemics

Public opinion polling during pandemics–when a far greater percentage of the population are at home and available to be polled–is tricky.

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Mobile News Traffic [INFOGRAPHIC]

At the start of 2015, 39 of the top 50 digital news websites have more traffic to their sites and associated applications coming from mobile devices than from desktop computers.

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