Health-Related Voice Queries [CHART]

Chart: Health-Related Voice Queries

The use of voice assistants powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and voice-activated devices is exploding in the US and around the world. These technologies have the potential to improve the healthcare system and change the way healthcare brands, providers and patients interact.

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Local Business Voice Search By Device [CHART]

Chart: Local Business Voice Search

Some 58% of US adults have used voice search to find information on a local business at some point in the past 12 months. Most commonly, people are using their smartphones (56%) for voice search to find local business information, while about 1 in 5 (18%) have done so using a Smart Speaker.

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Smart Speaker Ownership [INFOGRAPHIC]

Infographic: Smart Speaker Ownership

One in six Americans now own a smart speaker, according to new research out this week from NPR and Edison Research – a figure that’s up 128 percent from January, 2017. Amazon’s Echo speakers are still in the lead, the report says, as 11 percent now own an Amazon Alexa device compared with 4 percent who own a Google Home product.

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