What Smart Speaker Owners Would Like From Brands [CHART]

Chart: What Smart Speaker Owners Want From Brands

More than one-quarter of Alexa owners have asked their device about deals, recent research has revealed. Now, new data from Google and Peerless Insights indicates that Smart Speaker owners are most interested in receiving information about deals, sales and promotions from brands.

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Smart Speaker Ownership [INFOGRAPHIC]

Infographic: Smart Speaker Ownership

One in six Americans now own a smart speaker, according to new research out this week from NPR and Edison Research – a figure that’s up 128 percent from January, 2017. Amazon’s Echo speakers are still in the lead, the report says, as 11 percent now own an Amazon Alexa device compared with 4 percent who own a Google Home product.

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Voice Assistant Use By Daypart [TABLE]

Table: Voice Assistant Use By Daypart

After a surge this past holiday season – when 4% of U.S. adults reported they acquired their first smart speaker device — ownership is up 128% since January 2017, to now one in six Americans (16%) having a smart speaker.

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Consumers' Expected Video Consumption Changes [CHART]

Chart: Consumers' Expected Video Consumption Changes

More than three-quarters of people in several countries across the world believe that their video viewing habits will change in the coming 5 years. The change that most people see coming is watching TV in virtual reality, as if they are inside the content.

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Amazon Echo Deal Queries [CHART]

Smart Speakers are already having an impact on commerce. Almost one-third of owners say they’re spending more on Amazon and Google since getting their Smart Speaker.

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