Word-Of-Mouth Drives Consumer Sales [CHART]

Chart: Word-Of-Mouth Drives Consumer Sales

Word-of-mouth has time and again been shown in research to be the top influencer of consumer’s purchase decisions. Now, a new study from Engagement Labs quantifies the extent to which word-of-mouth drives sales, finding that an estimated 19% of consumers sales are the result of online and offline conversations.

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Most Trusted Sources Of Company Information [CHART]

Chart: Most Trusted Of Sources Company Information

Companies around the world are facing an ‘authenticity gap’ as they fail to meet customer expectations in key areas that drive authenticity, such as value and customer care. Trouble is, companies are considered the least credible when they’re talking about those particular areas.

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How Teens Find Video Content [CHART]

Chart: How Teens Discover Video Content

Word-of-mouth continues to be the leading way by which teens & Millennials – as well as the greater population at-large – discover new movies, TV shows or other full-length video content.

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