Polling During Pandemics

Polling During Pandemics

Public opinion polling during pandemics–when a far greater percentage of the population are at home and available to be polled–is tricky.

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Trust In News Media [CHART]

Chart: Trust In News Media

On behalf of The Economist, during the past three years YouGov, a pollster, has asked a representative sample of Americans to rate large American news organisations on a scale from “very trustworthy” to “very untrustworthy”.

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Falling Corporate Reputation Factors [CHART]

Chart: Falling Corporate Reputation Factors

Corporate reputations in the US have diminished this year compared to 2017. Only about half of consumers trust companies to do the right thing, down from 62% last year, and just 41% give companies the benefit of the doubt, down from 56% last year.

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US Corporate Reputations Decline, 2017-2018 [CHART]

Chart: US Corporate Reputations - 2017-2018

Corporate reputations in the US have diminished this year compared to 2017. Only about half of consumers trust companies to do the right thing, down from 62% last year, and just 41% give companies the benefit of the doubt, down from 56% last year.

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Global Consumer Data Privacy Concerns [CHART]

Chart: Global Consumer Data Privacy Concerns

Four in 10 consumers around the world are concerned with the amount of personal data that companies have on them. Levels of concern vary widely across countries, with the US on the high end of the scale, with 6 in 10 concerned.

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