Why People Shop At Amazon [CHART]

Chart: Why People Shop on Amazon

People are primarily motivated to shop on Amazon by low prices, free shipping, and convenience. And yet these same factors – particularly prices and free shipping – would also help shoppers purchase from another retailer, according to the study.

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Dayparting On Facebook, Instagram & Twitter [INFOGRAPHIC]

Infographic: Social Media Dayparting

This infographic by Unmetric is based on an analysis of 100 U.S. brands and their social media activity, illustrating the best time to post on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Keep in mind the mileage will vary and the best approach is to pay close attention to when your audience is active on these platforms. 

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Why People Stream Video [CHART]

Chart: Why People Stream Video

The dramatic rise of Netflix and other over-the-top (OTT) video services has fundamentally changed viewing habits in the US, especially among younger users, but in the short run it can be easy to overrate that change.

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