Prime Time For Webinar Marketing [CHART]

Chart: Prime Time For Webinar Marketing

Given the B2B audience nature of the medium, the sweet spot of webinar marketing from a media planning point-of-view is midday and midweek, according to findings of an exhaustive analysis of webinar marketing events held in 2017.

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Media Engagement Activities [CHART]

Chart: Media Engagement Activities

The majority of adults in the US engage with a variety of media on a regular basis, ranging from watching shows and episodes to listening to music, checking social media and watching short videos.

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Mobile Video Viewers' Frustrations [CHART]

Chart: Mobile Video Viewing Frustrations

There are few things more frustrating for cord-cutters than getting home from a long day’s work and queuing up their favorite show online as they kick back on the couch, only to realize they can’t watch in peace and harmony because the video won’t load correctly.

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Top Technologies For Improving The Customer Experience [CHART]

Technologies For Improving Customer Experience

A 2016 study by Forbes Insights and SAS found that 90% of executives worldwide who use data analytics noticed it improved their ability to deliver a superior customer experience. And According to a January 2018 survey of US senior decision-makers conducted by Verndale, big data/analytics was listed as the most important emerging technology for enhancing customer experience, cited by 63% of respondents.

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