A Fair(y) Use Tale

Watch a humorous, informative review of copyright principles delivered through the words of Disney characters in response to a Disney fair use challenge.

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There's An App For That: iPhone Parody Ad

Apple’s iPhone ads tell you that whatever you want to do, “there’s an app for that.” But what if you’re trying to solve problems with the iPhone itself? Slate V imagines an ad for those apps.

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Font Fight

It’s an all-out typeface-off in College Humor’s sequel to Font Conference.

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Real Life Viral Marketing

Guerrilla marketing seems to be all around us. Slate V contributor Scott Blaszak imagines what the next, heartbreaking step might be.

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The Apple i Announcement

CollegeHumor lampoons Apple, the company’s design aesthetics, the pomp and circumstance surrounding a Steve Jobs’ product launch, and the cult of personality of Apple fans.

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