Marketing Budgets
US Video Ad Spending, 2017-2021 [CHART]
Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter are embarking on a massive land grab for video content, hoping to drive increased usage and capture a greater portion of digital video ad revenues with familiar ad formats such as pre-roll and mid-roll.
Read MoreTop Marketing Challenges [CHART]
The top marketing priority for the coming year is actually converting contacts and leads to customers, cited by 70% of respondents.
Read MoreBudgeting For Digital Marketing Trends [INFOGRAPHIC]
This infographic by MGD Advertising identifies the six trends that are the most important for digital marketers to budget for.
Read MoreUS Political Ad Spending Allocations, 2012 vs 2016 [CHART]
Political advertising reached $9.8 billion in the 2016 election year, marking a more than 4% increase from the 2012 election cycle ($9.4 billion) and representing a new record.
Read MoreVideo Advertising Spending [CHART]
US marketers anticipate spending more than $9 million on their brand’s digital and mobile video advertising this year—a 67% increase from 2015, data reveals.
Read MoreTypes Of Analytics CFOs Will Pay For [CHART]
More than half of CFOs said analytics that help their businesses understand customer profitability are likely to receive backing in the next few years.
Read MoreObstacles To Virtual Reality Development [CHART]
Some 40% of respondents cited lack of budget as one of the primary obstacles to VR development.
Read MoreB2B Content Marketing Success Factors [CHART]
89% of respondents reported using content marketing, up slightly from 88% last year and 86% the year before.
Read MoreSocial Media Marketing Platform Trends [CHART]
9 in 10 marketers say that social media is important to their business, with the most commonly cited benefits being increased exposure and traffic.
Read MoreTop Social Media Marketing Challenges [CHART]
Social marketers in North America still find measuring ROI to be their toughest challenge.
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