Perceptions Of Gender Inclusivity [CHART]

Chart: Perceptions of Gender Inclusivity

3 in 4 people in the US believe that traditional gender roles have changed. They don’t believe in  stereotypes such as a woman’s primary role being the caretaker of the home or a man’s primary role as being the breadwinner.

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Mobile Video Viewers' Frustrations [CHART]

Chart: Mobile Video Viewing Frustrations

There are few things more frustrating for cord-cutters than getting home from a long day’s work and queuing up their favorite show online as they kick back on the couch, only to realize they can’t watch in peace and harmony because the video won’t load correctly.

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How Companies Are Using Artificial Intelligence [CHART]

Chart: How Companies Are Using AI

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to drive campaigns and experiences is one of the most exciting prospects for digital marketers and e-commerce professionals in the coming years, more so than virtual or augmented reality and the internet of things (IoT).

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Factors Contributing To Enjoyable Ads [CHART]

Chart: Factors Of Enjoyable & Memorable Advertisements

Ads that are humorous and from trustworthy brands are most likely to be considered enjoyable and memorable, Clutch has found in a survey of 1,030 US adults. Relevant and informative creative also resonates, per respondents, who said that ads that don’t inform are their most disliked.

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