Search results for: millennials
Millennials Are Social Shoppers
GfK found that more than half (52%) of US consumers believe they can shop online for almost 100% of the products or services they need, up from 48% feeling that way last year.
Read MoreMillennials’ Social Media Use By Channel, 2018-2020
Instagram use among younger Americans has been increasing over the past few years, with nearly 7 in 10 (68%) Americans between the ages of 12 and 34 now reporting that they use the popular app.
Read MoreMillennials' Attitides Toward Social Media Political Advertising [CHART]
Sixty-three percent of Millennials have a negative attitude toward social media political advertising, according to a survey by Sling TV and Telaria.
Read MoreMobile Video Viewing Of Millennials (& Gen Z) [INFOGRAPHIC]
This infographic from Whistle illustrates how Millennials and Generation V differ in their mobile video consumption habits.
Read MoreMillennials' Changing Relationships With Businesses [CHART]
Millennials spend about $322.5 billion annually, a strong figure but one that’s less than Baby Boomers and Gen Xers. What may set Millennials apart from those other two cohorts is that they are more apt to let their purchasing dollars speak for them when it comes to a business’ environmental impact or ethical behavior, according to this year’s Global Millennial Survey from Deloitte.
Read MoreMillennials' Views Of What Business Should Do vs. What It Does [TABLE]
Millennials are increasingly skeptical of businesses’ motives and impact on society, and companies need to take these attitudes seriously if they don’t want to miss out on the younger generations’ potential as consumers and employees, according to a survey from consultancy Deloitte.
Read MoreBrand Preferences Of Millennials vs Gen V [INFOGRAPHIC]
This infographic from Deep Focus illustrates compares the brand preferences of Millennials to those of Generation V.
Read MoreSocial Channels Used By Generation V & Millennials, 2017-2019 [CHART]
The latest Infinite Dial report from Edison Research and Triton Digital reveals that 61% of respondents ages 12 and older report using Facebook, down from a peak of 67% in 2017. But while Facebook usage is on the decline, Instagram is rising.
Read MoreMillennials' Response To Video Marketing [CHART]
Fully three-quarters (76%) of the almost 4,500 adults surveyed in the US, UK and Australia report having made a purchase after viewing a marketing video.
Read MoreMillennials & Wearables [CHART]
23.8 million US millennials will have used a wearable device at least once per month. That’s roughly a third of the millennial population, according to our estimates.
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