Google Analytics Resources

Ultimate List of Links to 48 Sites, Tools & Experts

I refer to Google Analytics quite a bit on this blog but I've yet to do a Cool Tools post about it.

The reason is that is seems kind of obvious but you'd be surprised how many organizations fail to adequately measure their communications efforts; especially when you consider that Google Analytics is free and very sophisticated.

Another reason to cover the tool is that it is always evolving. Google keeps adding features and reports to its Analytics product, so you need to constantly brush up on the tool. The core Google Analytics services include:

  1. Google Analytics
  2. Google Search Console
  3. Google Tag Manager
  4. Google Optimize
  5. Google Data Studio
  6. Google Attribution

Google Analytics Tutorial

This video is a good tutorial that covers the basics.

Google Analytics Academy - Digital Analytics Fundamentals

This playlist from Google Analytics features videos that were part of the Digital Analytics Fundamentals course on Analytics Academy.

While understanding how web analytics work and how to use these tools are essential for being to measure your communications efforts, it is just as important to know what to measure and how to approach analytics in terms of solving problems and gaining insight.

18 Web Analytics Blogs

There are plenty of very smart people who write about web analytics. The list below includes the official blogs and Twitter handles for companies devoted to analytics as well as individual thought leaders in the field.

  1. Google Analytics

  2. Google Webmasters

  3. Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik

  4. Justin Cutroni

  5. Moz

  6. Jeffalytics

  7. Luna Metrics

  8. KISSMetrics

  9. Web Analytics World

  10. Quick Sprout

  11. HubSpot - Analytics
  12. Search Engine Watch - Analytics
  13. Search Engine Land

  14. Search Engine Roundtable

    1. @SERoundtable

  15. SparkToro

    1. @SparkToro
    2. @RandFish

  16. Online Behavior

  17. Simo Ahava

  18. Cardinal Path

10 Web Analytics YouTube Channels

  1. Google Analytics
  2. Google Webmasters
  3. KISSMetrics
  4. LunaMetrics
  5. Jeffalytics
  6. Annielytics
  7. Measure School
  8. Moz
  9. Search Engine Land
  10. Rusty Brick - By Barry Schwartz of Search Engine Land

12 Web Analytics Tools

  1. Firebug: Debugger extension for Firefox.
  2. Web Developer - Chrome extension featuring a lot of web development diagnostic tools.
  3. Page Analytics - Chrome extension to turn Page Analytics on and off for the page you are currently viewing.
  4. Google URL Builder: Add tags to URLs so you can track campaigns in Google Analytics.

  5. Google Analytics Debugger: Google Analytics debugger extension for Google Chrome.
  6. GA Checker: Online tool to check what tags are installed on your website pages.
  7. Tag Assistant (by Google): On-site tag debugger extension for Google Chrome.
  8. Tag Inspector: A more robust tool for tag crawling on your pages.
  9. WASP: Browser extension for debugging your tags.
  10. Code Editor for GTM: Replaces GTM's native editor interface with a much more useful one.
  11. Regexr - A tool to learn, build and test Regular Expressions.
  12. JSFiddle: Test your JavaScript and your markup before adding it to your site.