Top Market Research Newsletters
Get 15 of the best free email newsletters featuring marketing research, statistics, data, charts, infographics, visualizations and insights from some of the most authoritative sources available that will keep you up to date and make you smarter at work. Or, you can subscribe to one mega monthly newsletter with all of the above while saving a lot of time.

Founded in 2009, GlobalWebIndex provides the world's largest survey of the digital consumer, representing more than 2.4 billion consumers spanning 46 countries.
The company offers a Chart of the Week newsletter featuring snapshots of the latest industry, market and consumer trends. Subscribe here.
GfK (Growth from Knowledge) is a global market research firm that provides insights to clients across many sectors as well as conducting research for public consumption. The company's insights blog publishes an average of twice a week. Subscribe here.

YouGov's BrandIndex
YouGov's BrandIndex continuously measures the public perception of thousands of brands across dozens of sectors nationally and internationally by interviewing thousands of consumers every day, compiling more than 2.5 million interviews a year. Subscribe here.
Mintel is a prolific producer of market research, tracking 38,000 products, following 548 trends, and publishing more than one thousand reports a year. Mintel's monthly newsletter features trends and innovations across the globe and insights from the company's analysts. Subscribe here.

Kantar uses its 40 years of brand equity, advertising and media research experience, 20 years of digital advertising experience, global network of more than 85 offices in 55 countries, and databases to create 195,000 brand reports. The company offers its BrandZ newsletter of rankings and reports as well as updates to the Straight Talk blog. Subscribe here.
Forrester has been producing market research for years, specifically within the banking, insurance, wealth management, health insurance, retail, goverment and high tech sectors. The company produces a good deal of research of interest to marketers, beginning with the prominent social media technographics ladder in 2008. (You'll have to scroll through some blog posts to get to the company's newsletter subscription form.) Subscribe here.

Like Forrester, Comscore has been producing research for years but the company's research is specifically tailored to the needs of advertisers. The company claims to have "transformative data science and vast audience insights across digital, linear TV, over-the-top (OTT) and theatrical viewership" to serve as a "third-party source for reliable measurement of cross-platform audiences." Comscore's newsletter options include 19 different topics to which you can subscribe and 4 content types. Subscribe here.
Nielsen is a global measurement and data analytics company that is perhaps best known as the company long-known for measuring television viewership. The company has moved well beyond that purview with the advent of the internet. It's approach marries proprietary Nielsen data with other data sources to help clients around the world understand what's happening now, what's happening next, and how to best act on this knowledge. The Nielsen Newswire is a weekly newsletter featuring news and insights. Subscribe here.

Founded in 1935 by George Gallup, this company might have the highest name recognition of all polling companies. Like many companies, Gallup began to broaden its offerings at the dawn of the Information Age in the 1980s. The company now provides analytics and management consulting in addition to its traditional polling services. Gallup publishes two newsletters, the twice-monthly Gallup At Work and the quarterly Higher Education Insiders' Briefing. You can also subscribe to 8 news alert topics and choose your frequency from real time to monthly. Subscribe here.
Morning Consult
Morning Consult publishes polling results about brands and the energy, finance, health, technology, sports and entertainment sectors. Much of the company's content focuses on national politics. You can subscribe to daily newsletters focusing on all or each of those topics. Subscribe here.

Pew Research
The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan American "fact tank" that provides information on social issues, public opinion, and demographic trends shaping the United States and the world. It was one of the first organizations to provide publically-available research on how people behave online. I have relied on Pew's research since its founding in 2004. The organization offers 8 different newsletters. Subscribe here.
MediaPost has been publishing since 1996, serving media, marketing and advertising professionals and allowing its more than 150,000 members better plan and buy both traditional and online advertising. As such, the site frequently published marketing research provided by third parties, big and small. You can subscribe to four different newsletters: 1) Online Media, Marketing & Advertising, 2) Brand Marketing News, Information & Practices, 3) Agencies & the Agency Business, or Media Buying, Selling & Research. Subscribe here.

Statista consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources and makes it available on four platforms: German, English, French and Spanish. The company works closely with more than 22,500 trusted partners and more than 300 researchers and specialists gather and double-check every statistic that is published. Experts provide country and industry-based forecasts. Statista's daily email features two timely and pretty data graphics in each issue. Subscribe here.
Marketing Charts
Marketing Charts launched in 2007 and has "charted (pun intended) the course of the industry through daily analyses, reports, and, yes, thousands of charts." Each chart is accompanied by "independent and unbiased analyses...comparing and contrasting research." I've relied heavily on this site since it's launch. Marketing Charts' newsletter is delivered three times a week. Each issue includes two fresh charts along with a handful of ICYMI posts. Subscribe here.

eMarketer monitors more than 3,000 sources of information, organize it by subject and geography, compare the data and perspectives, study the assumptions and methodologies, and look for possible sources of bias before publishing its recognizable-at-a-glance red and black charts. I have been one of its more than 215,000 subscribers to its eMarketer Daily newsletter (it also publishes a retail-focused newsletter). Subscribe here.
e-Strategy Trends

You could subscribe to all of the previous 15 newsletters--and they are all very fine publications, which, of course, is why I've included them--or you could subscribe to this one monthly newsletter and save a ton of time and get just as if not more smart as you would reading each individually.
The e-Strategy Trends newsletter includes three fascinating highlights from the previous month's marketing research that I track and notifies you of a post containing links to a compilation of an average of 250 pieces of marketing research categorized by displines from advertising to video marketing. (See the latest issues here).
You can drill down and dive deep into all of the 20-30 categories or you can just focus on the category most relevant to your job.